Ewan McGregor se rozhovořil o chystaném seriálu s Kenobim
Filmový představitel Obi-Wana Kenobiho, Ewan McGregor (49 let), se vrátí do role mistra Jedi po 16 letech od premiéry Star Wars Epizoda III: Pomsta Sithů. Kromě toho potvrdil v pořadu Graham Norton Show, že s natáčením seriálu se začne v březnu 2021.
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Frankly, it is no honour to defeat you, Crado! Will is half the winning!
<p>"I remember the days before Yavin when we were all young, armored with the invincibility of youth and fired by the belief that the Emperor's evil Empire could not win. It didn't, but the cost was more horrible than any of us could have imagined."</p>
<p>"I remember the days before Yavin when we were all young, armored with the invincibility of youth and fired by the belief that the Emperor's evil Empire could not win. It didn't, but the cost was more horrible than any of us could have imagined."</p>
Don't ask, if you don't care.
"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain… You are all things, Revan, and yet, you are nothing."
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