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Il be back
Dne: 23.2.2014 21:30 |
Kategorie: Klonové války - The Clone Wars Zpět na fórum |
Nad tímto sem se opravdu zamyslel a mýslím si že to byl hardcase
EDIT: *Hevy nebo Heavy
"A TO SE VYPLATÍ!" -Mistr Jouda, každá šťastná situace.
EDIT: Sorry za nepovedený spoil, na každém webu to mají jinak, tak si člověk těžko vzpomene, když je dlouho nepíše.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
<p>"I remember the days before Yavin when we were all young, armored with the invincibility of youth and fired by the belief that the Emperor's evil Empire could not win. It didn't, but the cost was more horrible than any of us could have imagined."</p>